At the beginning of your consultation you will be asked to provide an overview of your current and previous general health and details of any prescribed medication, previous surgery and allergies.
We will then enquire regards the reasons why you have decided to attend for your Podiatric Consultation.
This is often is related to the following:
- Pain and swelling
- Deformity
- Limited choice of footwear
- Unable to perform sport and other leisure and recreational activities
The human foot is designed to function on soft surfaces, but as human society has developed, we now spend every day walking on hard, flat surfaces creating adaptive changes in human mechanics and causing long term wear and tear to our feet, knees and backs.
Not all patients require surgical intervention, foot and ankle pain can be caused by a Biomechanical dysfunction and abnormal gait or walking patterns due to structural or muscular imbalances, the primary cause of which may not be at within the foot or ankle, but as a consequence of mechanical problems, be associated with the leg, knee, hip or low back.
Your Consultant will then ask to observe you walking and standing to determine if there are any underlying structural issues related to your condition.
Following which a thorough non-weightbearing examination of your feet and ankles will be undertaken.
Once your Consultant has completed his initial examination, based on your presentations determine a diagnosis and provide you with treatment options for you to consider.
It is very important to note that not all of our patients require Surgery, although Consultant Podiatric Surgeons are trained to operate, their philosophy of care is to always try to treat and manage their patients without surgical intervention, unless patients clearly present with a condition where surgery is the only option.
If Surgery is not required, you may require any of the following or combination thereof:
Referral to our In-house Podiatrists for Orthotics
Referral to our In-house Physiotherapists
Referral to our In-house for X-ray, Ultrasound scan, MRI department
Referral for blood tests
Be offered an ultrasound guided steroid injection if indicated
This patient clearly presents with painful corns and calluses on her toes caused by friction from her footwear.
The underlying structural reason being due to a combination of uneven toe length, and retracted toe joints.
Having had many years of regular Chiropody treatment and buying wider and deeper shoes to manage her pain and discomfort, she was simply unable to run comfortably and walk her dog without pain.
She wanted a surgical solution just to be able to return to wearing the shoes that she wanted to wear !
She was referred to The Yorkshire Foot Hospital for consultation, she clearly had exhausted all non-surgical treatment options, and without hesitation underwent successful Toe Shortening Surgery to correct her toes.
This lady presented with a shortening of her fourth toe, a condition she was born with called Brachymetatarsia.
As a busy mum with 3 children she suffered with intense pain and swelling under the ball of her fourth toe.
She found shopping trips painful and did not want to expose her feet in sandals.
After wearing over the counter insoles to help cushion her painful feet since she was a child, she decided that corrective surgery was the answer to relieve her pain and allow her to show off her feet !
She was recommended to The Yorkshire Foot Hospital by a friend and underwent a pioneering procedure to lengthen her short fourth toe and shorten her second toe.
If surgical treatment is recommended for you to consider, your Consultant Podiatric Surgeon will both verbally explain the correct choice of procedure you will require and provide you with an information pack.
If required, X -rays, scans, blood tests are arranged.
All Podiatric Surgery procedures undertaken at The Yorkshire Foot Hospital are performed on an Outpatient basis and do not last for more than one hour meaning you are only in the surgical unit for no more than two hours before you are discharged home, therefore patients do not require a hospital bed.
Your procedure is undertaken by local anaesthetic, or in combination with light sedation which is both safe and allows for very good post-operative pain control, avoiding sickness and nausea which is often encountered following general anaesthesia.
- Our modern Podiatric surgical techniques allowing quicker recovery with an excellent cosmetic outcome.
- Allow you to walk earlier and avoid the need for plaster casts in the majority of cases.
- Most of our patients return to light recreational footwear within 2 weeks of their surgery.
Patients are able to choose their surgical dates at their convenience with appointments available at weekends.
- Adequate follow-up care is essential, patients are normally seen at one and two weeks, three months and a final review at six months, all patients prior to their procedure are prescribed adequate analgesia for their first five days after surgery, following which this can generally be discontinued.
- Should patients be concerned or experience any post-operative issues, we provide a 24 hour on – call Service, if required home visits will be arranged.
The surgical podiatry service at The Lawrence Clinic is regulated by The Care Quality Commission (CQC). The CQC can be contacted by calling 03000 616161 or by writing to: CQC National Correspondence, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4PA
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