Achilles tendonitis is a painful condition caused by an overstretching or tractioning resulting in inflammation and thickening of the tendon.The Yorkshire Foot Hospital has a dedicated team of Podiatrists and Physiotherapists to help this common condition.
Achilles tendonitis can be aggravated by an underlying Biomechanical fault within the foot and often seen as a result of your feet continually rolling inwards placing a mechanical strain over the calf muscle and achilles tendon.
Walking, running, jumping places greater physical demands on the body than normal daily activities. Whilst running, your feet can absorb 3 times your body weight, it’s no wonder injuries to the lower limb and foot account for a large proportion of sporting injuries. At The Yorkshire Foot Hospital we will be able to diagnose and organise a treatment regime for the pain you are experiencing from Achilles Tendonitis.
Treatment is often helped by seeking advice from a Podiatrist or a Sports Physiotherapist. TREATMENT may include: exercises,rehabilitation,biomechanical consultation and orthotic treatment.