How can we help you with the following conditions, Podiatric foot acupuncture is a form of treatment that uses very fine single use sterile needles which can be inserted into specific areas of the hands or feet and legs to relieve painful symptoms associated with a number of conditions. One of the treatments we use dry needling for is clusters of Verrucaes, Verrucas are a very common condition that we treat several ways, one of them which is dry needling and this has a really good response rate and many patients are so happy with their outcome. Verrucaes can be really troublesome for people however this type of treatment could well be the treatment you require. Heel pain may also be treated with Dry needling as well as ankle pain.
Dry Needling in Leeds
Dry needling has been shown to relieve pain by a number of mechanisms.
- Releasing knots in muscle to relax muscles and tendons
- Producing your body’s own natural pain relieving chemicals (Endophins)
- Blocking the sensation of pain along the nerve pathways
- Reducing swelling
- Improving blood flow which promotes healing
Common Conditions With Which Acupuncture Can Help
- Arthritic joints
- Poor circulation to toes (chilblains and Raynauds disease)
- Muscle pain
- Plantar fasciitis
- Achilles tendon pain
- Mortons neuroma
- Diabetic Neuropathy
- Do you suffer from Heel pain?
- Verrucae treatment
- clusters of Verrucae
- Ankle pain