Christmas foot pain and injuries
By Philippa Stanley | December 9th, 2019 | Foot care
We are getting to hear of stories of injuries at x mas parties. We are seeing quite a few ankle injuries, sprained ankles, and toe injuries. Some people having consumed way too much alcohol and unsteady on their feet. Trodden toes when people have been dancing and lower limb injuries from falling. Here at the Yorkshire foot hospital, we can help many types of injuries, We specialise in most cases of lower limb injuries, and our experts are dedicated in helping you diagnose and treat at our Hospital.
Yorkshire foot Hospital is part of The Lawrence clinic and we have GP services as well as Podiatrists and Podiatric surgeons on hand. The added ease of having in house x ray and Mri scanning service, as well as ultrasound, makes it easy for the patient to get a quick diagnosis for their symptoms.
We are open through the x mas period so if you are at all concerned with either toe pain foot pain or a lower limb injury please do not hesitate to telephone the clinic and I am sure that our delightful receptionists will be able to help you.